mission Statement
To create a relaxed, informal, fun and friendly club, not orientated towards the serious match anglers, however all are welcome regardless of their abilities and experience.

Membership is free and open to all.
All members who fish at least one match will be covered by the clubs insurance policy.

Monday 8 November 2010


Saturday 20th November          Pakefield- All Saints car park   meet 16.00   fish  17:00-22:00

Saturday 4th December           (VENUE CHANGE) Walberswick beach-  carpark  meet 10.00    fish 11:00 - 16:00

Saturday 18th December            South pier -                            meet 16.00   fish 17:00 - 22:00

Saturday 8th January                 Kessingland - meeting point to be arranged  10.00  fish 11:00 - 16:00

Saturday 22nd January            Tramps Alley- car park                         meet 16.00 fish 17:00 - 22:00

1 comment:

  1. Ladies and gentlemen,we will be having a raffle at the next match,with some nice prizes up for grabs,tickets will be £1 a strip of five,hopefully MRS1i will going up and down the beach with tickets for sale while match is on going,with the draw after the match and results.
